Donavan went into surgery at 4:08pm... at 9pm he was back in ICU and that's where we will remain until further notice. Instead of an epidural, Donavan has a power packed 24 hr dose of morphine and Valium for is now 12:15 and he has only really been calm for 30 minutes (which I am ever thankful for !) He has a very large triangle shaped foam wedge between his legs with a hemovac drain resting on top of it. Both his legs are strapped to the wedge and a few moments ago when he woke with pain, he gave the drain line a good tug and scared me. Thank goodness he is further sedated because I thought all 150lb's of him were going to come off his bed.He has kept telling the nurses, you don't understand my left leg hurts really really bad, you are not listening to me! He woke from anesthesia differently then a year ago, in great pain but instead of screaming he moaned so long and so loud it was like a train. I wanted to beg the nurse to make him stop but Donavans moaning got to her I think too. He is older and his voice has changed so much even in a half morphine induced sleep. Doctor Standard met with me before I saw Donavan and explained that he was able to reattach the blood supply in Donavans femoral head after the reshaping work and that now the next 6-12 weeks are absolutely crucial.. That with some xrays it should tell him if its viable or if we have to xfix him and hit his with some hyperbolic oxygen and other methods to keep from his hip dying all over again. The lump in my throat as he said this grew thorny and I felt sick. But I felt more hopeful than sick! He said the condition of Donavans hip was a little better than we had thought and it gave him a tiny bit more to work with and with the 3 screws and plate,hip braced and pcm machine, we have hope that this head splitting osteotomy will render Donavan a fresh new blood supply that enables a healthier hip with almost full range of motion and pain free mobility. The next few days I expect to be super intense... I want my son to feel my enthusiasm and I know we have to get past this shock of ramped pain first. I can't take my eyes off him and praying. God please may we have your best for Donavan this time? Thank you in advance! I will try to keep everyone up to speed the best I am able and hope to start seeing a huge light at the end of the tunnel soon! Goodnight C: