Sunday, April 17, 2011

16 & 17 April, Topsy-Turvy Tidbits

12:13am.. I did not blog our day Sunday because it was horrid, Donavan could not hold down any food..stayed so sick to his stomach because he always suffers this horrendous post anesthesia constipation..yep, I said it. I thought maybe just maybe this time around we would get away with it but no deal. Almost 2 weeks without a bm and anyone would certainly be miserable. I had great difficulty finding support from on call staff at the hospital as I tried remedy after remedy, praying it would not lead to surgery for impaction! To sum it up, thankfully after a quick trip to the ER, then 2 trips to a local Walgreens, about 5:30pm Donavan collapsed into a well deserved nap that he used to directly transition into bedtime early that night... On top of everything else that's going on, that was just too much. So very glad its over.

     Currently I am up way too late due to my own stubbornness because I have a video (no not the one up top) of Donavan's very first walking trip(with his walker) at physical therapy from Friday and cannot seem to be able to get it successfully uploaded for the very life of me! Its driving me mad. I want so badly for it to be seen because although he struggles so hard, it is a fabulous comparison to the new video we took today (above). I will figure it out..and even if you are as delighted with the video above as we are, please I ask you to see the other just as soon as I get it up. It will amaze you. Donavan worked with "Moshe" the physical therapist that's done just wonders for my son here at the hospital. Donavan has developed such a wonderful re pore with him and its such a shame we can't take him back to South Carolina with us. Moshe developed a wonder and exact physical therapy program for Donavan that he typed up and made sure it was  super clear for us to take with back home. It is only the first in a 4 phase plan for him to complete all he must to be back on his feet, full speed ahead hopefully 9 to 12 months from now. Mild stretching exercises and TENNS unit twice a day now for 6 weeks, then Hydrotherapy for 6 weeks (to strengthen and begin to tone, he actually should be swimming as much as I can possibly get him into the pool at the YMCA) then Donavan should reach partial weight bearing and can begin a light strengthening routine for another 2 months to enable him to go full weight bearing by 6 months..then the real work begins! From that moment on its going to be rigorous work to get his left hip, pelvic and quad muscles up to par...High school will start for him before this is achieved. We pray it won't become too big an issue. About the last 6 years of Donavans school life has been interrupted by physical therapy to help him stay afloat physically. High schools going to be hard enough, let alone having to be absent for pt, hope we can do it. Donavan will be in ROTC, for both semesters and I know he will be hard on himself to do very well.

     Today has been so satisfying, I think I speak for both of us when I say that today has been as fulfilling as it could be.Had an awesome day visiting with all the other mothers here at HP, I think we just automatically become so close, due to our circumstances. I thank God for the companionship and support because there is nothing like it! We started well rested, Donavan had his first shower in 2 weeks ( YaY) he handled it so well, was not dizzy at all thank goodness. Went straight onto stretching and TENN'S exercises and then as you have seen above, a mozy down to the HP kitchen and back with all smiles and dazzling pride. I do not think that I could be more proud than I was today. Donavan's wheelchair should be here on Wednesday (we are using a loaner) and we have 3 more physical therapy sessions before leaving Baltimore..Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday ! Then hopefully the weekend I can convince Donavan to go and see a very dear friend of mine here, Barb Fuller. She is not well right now but I know she will be better soon!

     Mom, John and Lilah had a lazy Sunday of homework, chores and worship..I miss them so incredibly MUCH! 7 more days and a wake up until Donavan and I are tootling down 95 S on our way back home ! See you all tomorrow, Goodnight C: